New IrFUW Centenary Book

New IrFUW Centenary Book ⋆

100 Years of Empowering Women: Celebrating the Centenary of the Irish Federation on University Women

  • Single book €25.00 plus P&P within Ireland €10.50.

    (International P&P can be provided and costed according to region)

    Three books (1 box) €75.00 plus P&P or FREE delivery within the Dublin area.

  • Postage and packaging is €10.50 (€9.50 for postage and €1:00 for padded envelope).

    Can be delivered in the Dublin area Free of charge.

  • Editor Fiona Ahern will sign the book and can sign if intende for gifting.

Bringing Together University Women in Ireland.

Who We Are

The Irish Federation of University Women (IrFUW) is an all Ireland network of associations of 3rd level women graduates regardless of where in the world they graduated.

Our purpose is to bring together University Women in Ireland to uphold the aims of Graduate Women International (GWI) formerly the International Federation of University Women

(IFUW) of which we are a constituent member.

The GWI is the leading women’s global organisation run by and for women, for women’s rights, equality and empowerment through access to quality education and training up to the highest levels.

We hold numerous events throughout the year, connecting with women graduates around the world. Our Centenary academic year launched in 2024 and celebrated the founding of the IrFUW in 1924 in Regent House Trinity College Dublin. We celebrated this when UCDWGA and TWG jointly hosted the IrFUW launch in October 2024 (right). Seven past IrFUW presidents were in attendance as well as the UWE President, GWI President, UCD President, Trinity Provost, UCDWGA President, TWG President and past president of Ireland Mary McAleese. The Centenary celebrations have continued into 2025, with events in Galway - the All island final of the Public Speaking Competition will take place at the Ardilaun Hotel on March 22nd, 2025, and an All Island Conference and UWE Meet and Greet hosted by the IrFUW and QUB will take place in Belfast on April 25th - 27th, 2025. See more below.

IrFUW Events

Our Associations

In Ireland there are Associations currently established within 4 Universities; University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, NUI Galway & Queen’s University Belfast.

IrFUW Logo



Feel free to contact us with any questions.


Direct message us on our Facebook page.